Increase your revenue with time-saving automations

At Nonprofit Automation Agency, we offer time-saving workflows and automations to increase your capacity for fundraising and minimize the risk of staff turnover – because burnout is for the birds.

Automating thank you notes is just the beginning

Stop losing donors and money with tasks that are time consuming and repetitive. You can knock off up to 20 hours of work a month by getting your tech to talk and setting up simple automations.

Automate your donor stewardship

If you’re a nonprofit changemaker and your donor retention is struggling because you’re at capacity, give me 5 days to change that!

Join my free 5-day personalized course that will teach you the how to create stronger relationships with your donors with automation and turn one-time donors into loyal champions of your organization.

Stop feeling like tasks are falling through the cracks. Join 3,500 other nonprofit organizations now!

    Why does




    → Increased Giving Potential:

    Retained donors are more likely to increase their giving over time. As they become more familiar with the organization's mission and impact, they may be willing to donate larger amounts or contribute more frequently.

    → Stability:

    Retained donors provide a stable and predictable source of revenue for nonprofits.

    → Cost-effectiveness:

    Acquiring new donors can be significantly more expensive than retaining existing ones. By focusing on retention, nonprofits can maximize the ROI from their existing donor base. 

    What do you have to lose

    First time donors becoming monthly donors

    Community partners wanting to collaborate

    Volunteers eagerly offering their skills to you

    ➜ Donors giving more

    ➜ Supporters becoming champions

    Nonprofit Automation Agency

    is focused on three core areas:

    1. Increasing efficiency by finding your most ideal tech stack

    2. Reducing frustration by making sure your software is all working together

    3. Implementing automated workflows that save you time and money

    Inconsistent engagement is keeping you

    from turning a one-time gift into a loyal donor

    What is the Nonprofit Automation Agency?

    Nonprofit Automation Agency aims to help you connect your software, set up automations and handle the mundane technical tasks that eat up most of your time. This way, you get your time back to connecting with supporters and growing your impact. 

    Think of us as an extension of your team

    A team of dedicated fundraising, development, marketing, and operations experts who are obsessed with efficiency and ready to help you improve your donor retention.

    Stop feeling like tasks are falling through the cracks

    Schedule a demo to learn about our premium service, or get started with a full tech stack assessment and automations designed to generate more revenue for your organization.

    Powerful solutions

    to prevent burnout

    51% of nonprofits are grappling with staff burnout

    Our approach is designed to reduce the risk of staff burnout and the pressure of being overworked by streamlining processes and implementing automation.

    Implementing automation in your organization aims to free up more time for you to engage with your supporters, ultimately leading to increased fundraising for your organization.

    📍Our workflows ensure donors are cared for

    at every


    Affirm →

    A first class welcome

    Activate →

    Personalized gratitude

    Align →

    Vibe with values

    Impact →

    Showcase your impact

    Advocate →

    Upgrade your ask

    With only 2 out of 10 donors returning to make a second gift, something’s gotta give

    At Nonprofit Automation Agency, we create a better experience for every new donor by implementing the 5 simple, yet transformational automated workflows.

    When we’re done, you’ll have more consistent communication, streamlined your manual tasks, and created a cohesive donor journey.

    And we do it in just one day!

    Creating a remarkable

    donor experience:

    Your ticket to increased

    retention + revenue.

    Additional support

    Get Started:

    Automation Starter Kit


    Launch Welcome Series

    Free eCourse:

    Automate Your Stewardship

    Our Favorite Revenue-Generating

    Automation Projects

    • Set Up Automated Receipts from Donor CRM

      First things first, this automation streamlines the process of acknowledging donations by automatically generating and sending tax-compliant receipts to donors directly from your Donor Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. 

    • Pre-draft Thank You Notes Directly into Your Inbox

      Designed to put an emphasis on speed, this automation prepares personalized thank you notes for donors and delivers them directly to your email inbox for review, a little extra personalization and quickly hit send!

      *This is Rachel's favorite automation project!

    • Automatically Send a Handwritten Thank You Note

      Maybe a thank you note. Maybe a phone call.

      Adding a personal touch to donor or a little volunteer appreciation, this automation coordinates the sending of a personalized handwritten thank you note. 

    • Set Up a New Subscriber Welcome Series

      This automation creates a warm introduction and a welcoming experience for new email subscribers or first time donors. 

      By automatically enrolling new subscribers into a welcome email series, you can systematically introduce them to the organization's mission, ongoing projects, and ways to get involved. 

    Time-saving automations and

    simplified workflows so good…

    Grams will have no clue they were 

    done for you!

    Make your donors feel

    seen and valued

    … and you’ll love knowing that a personal card surprised and delighted your donor in less time than it would take you to double tie your shoes!

    Automate repetitive tasks you can do more

    without needing extra hours in the day


    … and so many more!

    Increase your

    fundraising capacity

    We can help you + your mission by handling your most mundane technical tasks.

    You get your time back to connect with supporters and grow your impact.